
Welcome to the Victoria, British Columbia, Canada CAN collaboratories site, where we share our research about climate action through inquiring with trees!


This blog is part of the SSHRC-funded Climate Action Childhood Network.

This international project includes seven case study research sites, or collaboratories, in Canada, England, Australia, and the United States. The purpose of this project is to advance our understanding of children’s relations with their environment in order to synthesize knowledge at local, national, and global levels regarding children’s creative responses to the impacts of climate change.

Our research collaboratory works with participating children, educators, and families at a university-based child care centre in the place currently known as Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.  It is with gratitude, respect and humility that we acknowledge that our work together takes place on the unceded territories of the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEC nations, whose relationships with these lands continue to this day.

B. Denise Hodgins and Narda Nelson are the research pedagogists who lead our collaboratory’s thinking with children, educators, trees and other multispecies. We began in January 2018 and since then a total of 24 early childhood educators and 79 children between the ages of 18-months and 5-years have participated in the project.


When pedagogies and root problems collide

*Extension of Common Worlds microblog post, What happens when pedagogies and root problems collide? (posted on March 29, 2019 at http://commonworlds.net/what-happens-when-pedagogies-and-root-problems-collide/ ) by Sherri-Lynn Yazbeck, Ildikó Danis, and Narda Nelson Our early childhood centre borders a small urban forest commonly known as Haro Woods.  ‘Well-treed’, over-grown, and heavily eroded, the forest hosts an array of …

Fungal Fabulation

January 2019 reflections compiled by Narda Nelson The educators and children in one of the programs with our CAN inquiry have been attending to mushrooms for many months now. In January they hosted one of our CAN educator conversations and led us through an evening of fungal fabulations! With our inquiry work of late, the …

Taking it to the Streets

By Narda Nelson – January 29, 2019 Three centres were scheduled for ‘atrium time’ this morning.  Children, educators, and pedagogists meet regularly here to review documentation, experiment, draw, and speculate together.  Closet doors become de facto display space for posting pedagogical narrations. Sticking pieces of paper to closet doors is part of an ongoing intention to make inquiry work visible to families, educators, …

Who We Are

We are a group of educators, pedagogists, and researchers.

We are members of the Common Worlds Research Collective, an interdisciplinary network concerned with our relations with the more-than-human world.